Call (949) 515-6852 to report absences no later than 9:00 am
Good Afternoon, Kaiser Community!
If you watched the NMUSD Board meeting on Tuesday evening, this will be old news. For everyone else...
Our school board approved two big avenues to pursue for the upcoming school year:
1. Offer a Virtual (Online) School - this is a home school option. Parents will be able to opt into this and, if desired, can opt back into their schools at natural transition times (e.g., trimesters).
2. Flex with COVID (my words) - more officially referred to currently as "Brick and Click" - the intention is to have students at school as much as possible. If there are disease surges that require schools to close for periods of time, students would move with their classes into distance learning.
At this time, we as a district are preparing for both avenues. We have a lengthy list of of things to figure out based on ongoing and updated health information while preparing curriculum, etc.
Families will be able to select from the two big avenues. Much more information will follow as summer progresses. Each of these options is being fleshed out right now.
I will do my best to keep you updated as plans are finalized. You also will receive information straight from NMUSD. In the meantime, please enjoy your summer!
Elbow bumps to you all!
Deborah Granger
P.S. - This link will take you to a short appreciation video with information that will make the summer marquee make sense: VPN到底有什么作用? - Sogou:2021-11-16 · 就问题而言,四个问题。 1.作用就是连外国网,加速是附带的。当你连上的时候,你就是通过软件连到国内服务器,国内服务器连到你连接国家的服务器,再由服务器连到游戏/网页。
Buenas tardes, Comunidad Kaiser!
Si vio la reunión de la Junta de NMUSD el martes por la noche, esta será una noticia vieja. Para todos los demás ...
Nuestra junta escolar aprobó dos grandes caminos para el próximo año escolar:
1. Ofrecer una escuela virtual (en línea): esta es una opción de escuela de origen. Los padres podrán optar por esto y, si lo desean, pueden optar por volver a sus escuelas en tiempos de transición natural (por ejemplo, trimestres).
2. Flex con COVID (mis palabras) - más conocido oficialmente como "Brick and Click" - la intención es tener estudiantes en la escuela tanto como sea posible. Si hay oleadas de enfermedades que requieren que las escuelas cierren por períodos de tiempo, los estudiantes pasarían con sus clases a la educación a distancia.
En este momento, nosotros como distrito nos estamos preparando para ambas avenidas. Tenemos una larga lista de cosas que resolver en función de la información de salud actual y actualizada mientras preparamos el plan de estudios, etc.
Las familias podrán seleccionar entre las dos grandes avenidas. Mucha más información seguirá a medida que avanza el verano. Cada una de estas opciones se está desarrollando en este momento.
Haré todo lo posible para mantenerlo actualizado a medida que finalicen los planes. También recibirá información directamente de NMUSD. Mientras tanto, ¡disfruta tu verano!
¡El codo te golpea a todos!
Deborah Granger
Kaiser Elementary School is the home of the Kaiser Knights – noble in thought, word, and deed. Our mission is to build a community of life-long learners who consistently demonstrate Common sense, Accountability, Respect, and that Everyone matters (C.A.R.E.). As a Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (P.B.I.S.) Silver Level school, our students, staff, and families are united in providing Kaiser students with a foundation for success as students and young people in an ever-changing world.
You will find that our expectations are high and that they are matched by our support in achieving them. It is our intention that when Kaiser students move up to intermediate and high school, they will be powerful thinkers with a strong knowledge base, skill set, sense of creativity, and commitment to community. In other words, Kaiser Knights are 21st century global citizens who C.A.R.E.! As we progress through the year, you can anticipate hearing and seeing more and more evidence of C.A.R.E. at Kaiser! When on campus, be sure to take a peek at our C.A.R.E. tree mural on the back of the library!